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Hiding, shrinking, and self-censoring are exhausting.
You deserve better. 

What is Visibility Medicine?

12-16 weeks of live teaching, coaching, and making meaningful
Visibility moves, all while being exquisitely supported.
Build the capacity, skills, and resilience needed to handle your visibility anxieties and challenges so you can boldly do what you’re here to do!

We begin June 11th.

If you do things differently and the standard approaches
to visibility just don’t fit… This one’s for you.

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Futurecast with me…

It’s October 2024, and you feel different. 

  • You’re clearer about the direction you're headed. 

  • You’re boldly taking action on the things that matter to you. 

  • You know how to mobilize. You know how to rest. 

  • Your belly is more relaxed.

  • Your breath is smoother. 

  • Your voice has more resonance. 

  • You’re more free in your expression. 

And maybe most importantly—the inner and outer voices and beings that kept you small, that kept you “in check,” no longer have power over you. 

You know how to attune to yourself… your vocational calls… your body, AND your body of work… your business… and your clients. 

You know how to take care of them and you at the same time. 
You have a plan for what to do if things go sideways.
You see differently, and you are seen differently.

You’re more you. Your business, your visibility—it finally fits (or fits once again). 

You’re more powerful, energized, creative, and effective… because all of you is present and steady. 

You’re in a season of reclamation, recalibration…
you’re heading towards a re-introduction.

here’s something they didn’t tell you when you first started doing your thing out here on the internet streets…

Doing our work in the world is, at its core, a Self-development journey. 
Meaningful work is a portal to parts of you that want to be seen, known, and tended.

Being in business for yourself calls you to unravel and rewrite the stories that keep you small. Stories around money, identity, overgiving, over efforting, fitting in, standing out, and your place in the world. 

Being in business invites you to EXPAND—your cash, creativity, self-concept, confidence, capacity, and conviction…

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…And while you’re aware that Visibility is an
essential lever for your expansion, you’re reluctant.

Intellectually, yes, you know visibility is necessary.
But in your body? SCARY.

Visibility IS scary… for very good reasons.

And those reasons are more about our cultural patterns than some weird, specific defect or deficiency in you.  YOU are not the visibility problem. But there IS a way to solve it so you will have the unfuckwithable self-concept that moves you forward into the visibility & expression you crave.

You are here to make meaning AND money.
Your work helps, heals, disrupts, and builds the world we all need. The world you need.

You are here to get your work, your medicine to the folks who get it, want it, and need it. Your work is a soul call, rich in meaning… fulfilling, and worthwhile. In order to bring forth the work of our dreams, we must navigate the very real tension between our human desire to be seen and our human aversion to exposure. We’ve got to face and unravel our deep visibility struggles — the ones that keep us stuck and small.

It’s time to Get Visible… Your Way.

Our industries are becoming more saturated and our buyers are becoming more savvy and sometimes more cynical (and rightfully so). 

In order for our businesses to be successful, we have to put not just a loud signal out there, but a clear signal.  After you experience Visibility Medicine the word frequency will have a whole new meaning for you – one that is rooted in the tone and texture of your signal and not rooted in pressure to perform or produce. 

We live in a world that is not kind to powerful women.

Women in the public eye are routinely bullied, mocked, and held to impossible standards of perfection. They are far too often threatened, criticized, cast out, scorned, shamed, and silenced. 

But the myth that if we just stay out of the spotlight, we’ll be safe, is exactly that: a myth. It’s not just those in the largest limelight who are affected. We’ve all experienced a version of this in some part of our lives—as children on the playground, in doctor’s offices, at our own dining room table, or a board room table, or at a PTA meeting, it even happens within spiritual and social change rooms and movements.

  • Having your ideas ignored only to hear them regurgitated by someone else who has more presumed or felt power…

  • Being scoffed at or subtly undermined by a professional you’ve hired or even by a loved one…

  • Having your friends give you that “who do you think you are” side eye…

The message that we should stay small and palatable is drip fed to us from the time we’re very young—what we’re supposed to look like, be like, and do. 

The box is small and tight. Do you feel it?

And now we’re not only pitted against Hollywood versions of what a woman should and shouldn’t do and look like….

We don’t just have Photoshop and filters f’ing with our perception of what beauty and femininity are… AI is coming for us too. 

And hey, I love a lot of things about Hollywood, Photoshop, and even AI.  What I don’t love is having these tools weaponized to keep women, in particular, feeling relentlessly insecure, exhausted, and limited.  We’re too often ready to bring ourselves, our ideas, or our work forward, and we stop short, because, whether consciously or not, we think, “what if I’m next?”

But the truth is the damage is already happening. When you stay small, nothing good happens. You being small isn’t saving you, it’s exhausting you.

Yes, the risk is real. Yes, it is scary to be visible. At the same time, we cannot let these fears hold us back. 

We have to discover ways to meet our fears and have skills and practices to move beyond them. This is how we get free. And this is how we create businesses that actually fit us. 

what it’s about

visibility Medicine is not about becoming social media famous (unless you want to be), oversharing your personal life online, exhausting yourself with a million media appearances, or doing things that just don’t feel right.

Visibility Medicine is about creating powerful visibility for yourself and your work… on your terms.

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How Visibility Medicine Came to Be

I created Visibility Medicine because in my one-on-one work as a professional photographer and coach I was witnessing women experience the transformational power of actually seeing themselves—in front of the camera, in their work, in their truth, in their calling.

Time and time again, when they showed up and allowed themselves to be seen in this way, the most tender conversations about their lives and work would arise—

the big dreams, the big fears,
the risk of being known, the risk of revealing themselves,
the fear of being successful, or not successful enough,
the risk of feeling too attractive or not attractive enough,
too big, too thin, all the body stuff,
all the unresolved middle and high school visibility injuries,
all the no-win dichotomies that we're up against,
the fear of being called out, of being canceled,
of visions too lofty, of being eaten alive out there,
of what family or friends will think, of rejection, of judgment,
of being seen as a fraud, or gripped by the part inside that’s convinced you actually are a fraud.

Once these issues surfaced, we were able to meet them and work with them. And on the other side of these skillful, heartful, and embodied coaching and photo sessions, was something new.

When we went through this process together, it changed how they shared and talked about their work, and about the things that matter to them. It changed how they held themselves and took up space.

What spilled out became different because what was inside had changed.

Oftentimes the photos would act as writing prompts, revealing other aspects of themselves and their work that felt exciting and joyful, like a breath of fresh air.

In my one-on-one coaching sessions, taking time to see what was true (and beautiful and good) created clarity and unraveled the binds that were holding my clients back from more fullness, fulfillment, and authenticity. 

The outcome of these one-on-one containers and these rich, powerful, vulnerable conversations were amazing photos and self-expression. And their readers and clients would feel it too and come running towards whatever they were putting out.

Because it felt real. And we can trust real. And what we can trust, we want.

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Visibility Medicine was born out of a desire to reverse engineer this process. I wanted not only my photo sessions to become more powerful, and my one-on-one clients to benefit from this work, but also provide a way to come together in a group and get into the visibility struggles and dreams we all face at one time or another.

I wanted to bring this work and process to a group environment so that women could hear each other’s stories and realize how not alone they were in all of this.  I wanted to create a space where we could build more trust, not only for ourselves but also with and for each other. Where we were no longer on the middle school playground.

Sadly, every client I’ve worked with has some visibility struggle, injury, or wound that is connected to another woman.

When we come together in Visibility Medicine, we create an opportunity to have a new experience—we may even mend something that we’ve carried for decades. I’ve seen it happen.

I wanted to create a different atmosphere where you can bring your whole self and take risks in a contained and well-facilitated space while building skills and getting clear about how you want to rock your visibility.

Women make up about half of the world's population – and by 2025, there will be more than 1.2 BILLION midlife women on this beautiful planet!

Imagine with me what will happen when this amazing critical mass of wiser women take up our full space, and really embody our whole selves and the work that we’re here to do in all of the ways.

That is world-changing.

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Program Creator and Facilitator

meet your coach

I’mDanielle Cohen. I have dedicated my entire career to one mission: helping prosocial humans, create and experience conditions for thriving.

I do this through a combination of coaching, healing arts, photography, and business.

As a photographer, I specialize in co-creating portraits with powerful humans on the rise—authors, artists, activists, and business owners.

I’m trained in several healing modalities including attachment re-patterning, trauma-informed and equity-centered coaching and facilitation, resilience tools, a variety of energy modalities including Reiki and Theta, birth and death work, and holistic wellness.

I have expertise in creative direction, branding, messaging, publishing, audience growth, and platform development — all through the lens of your human and soul needs.

My clients include Toi Smith, Alexandra Franzen, Bari Tessler, Robert Hartwell, Brooke Castillo, Carrie Ann Moss, Marybeth Bonfiglio, Brianna Saussy, Kelly Diels, and Theresa Reed.

I am a mother of 4. I am perimenopausal af. I have seen two parents through end-of-life stages.  I actively love my community and friends. I have struggled with chronic migraines and other body challenges. I am a survivor of C-PTSD, I have been self-employed for more than 12 years.

I understand the challenges of having time, space, and energy for vocational ambitions and financial demands, as well as for family, caregiving, and even health needs and challenges. 

My goal is to help you right-size your visibility and breathe life into your visions without over-efforting or overworking. 

Your dreams, ambitions, and vocational calls matter—don’t let your life go half-lived. 

My curriculum and facilitation is shaped by:

Trauma-informed and equity-centered coaching and leadership practices, birth and bodywork, photography and creative practices, depth psychology, attachment repatterning, and maybe, most of all, by the personal teachers and mentors I’ve worked with over the decades, my own healing practices, and earned wisdom.

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the Offer


Visibility Medicine has two tiers:

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the foundation

Visibility Medicine
Get rooted in your sacred ground.

  • We begin with the cornerstone concepts of Visibility Medicine that will get you rooted into your own sacred ground so that you can feel clear and confident about what visibility means to you and how you want to rock with it.

    You will identify and choose an area of focus to begin the process of accountability so you can make real changes during the program.

    Something important to you that’s impacted by visibility.

    Something you want to do, say, accomplish, create, share, or make a move on (A podcast? A book? A revenue goal? A new offer? A hard conversation?)

    Something that feels challenging or even hard but also worth it.

    We’ll name what’s on the other side of the “hard” and get crystal clear on what you’re in this program to do.

    Then, we’ll devise a 3-month plan for your success.

    You’ll name how to know that you’ve accomplished what you set out to do.

    You’ll decide what success means to you.

    We’ll get specific.

    We’ll take your work seriously and we’ll do it joyfully.

    We’ll map out strategy, check-ins, supports, and care plans.

    From there, we’ll explore why visibility is so loaded – both the personal and the collective challenges and potential.

    We’ll get clear on what’s your stuff and what’s the world’s stuff so you can discern how best to utilize and conserve your energy.

    You’ll learn a special tool for being able to meet all this challenging stuff head-on.

    Then, we’ll get into the practices, processes, and interventions for transforming your visibility blocks into visibility power, all while working your success plan.

  • Visibility Medicine CORE includes 12 transformative live sessions with Danielle. Sessions will include teachings, coaching, and real-time workshopping. Call replays will be shared within 24 hours of calls.

    It’s important to me that you get what you need out of this program.

    One of the ways I help to ensure this happens is by creating a hybrid teaching and coaching environment and utilizing adult learning theory.

    During or after every call, you will apply your new awarenesses in tangible ways that make a difference in your work right now.

    Then, we will come back together to reflect, refine, and resource so you can embody the teachings you receive and make them your own.

    I have developed the Visibility Medicine experience in a way that is both tried and true and emergent.

    I have teachings I know for sure I will bring to you and I leave space for what is alive in the particular season and cohort we are journeying with and through.


  • It’s one thing to sign up, show up for the live sessions, and do this work—and, yes, we’ll get a lot done in the live sessions—but having some extra, supportive, inspiring, co-regulating co-working time is incredibly valuable and helps to ensure that you truly get what you came for and feel good while doing it.

    Throughout the program, we will host six of these wildly popular and profoundly helpful 90-minute sessions, which serve as a container for sacred time and deep focus

    "The co-working sessions were such an unexpected wealth of contact nutrition and focus."

    “Co-working sessions show me that yes, I can do hard things (with the energy of the group).”

    “The co-working sessions are a magic I didn’t know I needed!”

    *contact nutrition is something I teach in this program

    Session days and times are TBD

  • Throughout the course you will receive useful materials that will support and enhance your experience and outcomes. No busy work, just supportive, useful practices, processes, and resources that make a difference in your life and business.


or 6 payments of $600

Ready to ground?

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core + build on your strong foundation

Visibility Medicine
Now it’s time to expand.

  • Visibility Medicine EXPAND includes all of the CORE materials and live sessions, plus four ADDITIONAL sessions where we will explore, learn about, workshop, and coach on the following topics:

    • Systems and Strategies for Sharing your Intellectual Property

    • Generative Branding for Brilliant Humans (this will change everything you currently think about Branding).

    EXPAND is all about building out the supportive external systems and structures that are in alignment with your vision, your strengths, your principles, your desires, and your needs knowing you have the internal infrastructure (CORE) to hold it all.

  • Visibility Medicine EXPAND includes all 12 CORE sessions, plus 4 additional sessions.


  • It’s one thing to sign up, show up for the live sessions, and do this work—and, yes, we’ll get a lot done in the live sessions—but having some extra, supportive, inspiring, co-regulating co-working time is incredibly valuable and helps to ensure that you truly get what you came for and feel good while doing it.

    Throughout the program, we will host six of these wildly popular and profoundly helpful 90-minute sessions, which serve as a container for sacred time and deep focus.

    "The co-working sessions were such an unexpected wealth of contact nutrition and focus."

    “Co-working sessions show me that yes, I can do hard things (with the energy of the group).”

    “The co-working sessions are a magic I didn’t know I needed!”

    *contact nutrition is something I teach in this program

    Session days and times are TBD

  • In Visibility Medicine EXPAND, you get all the materials and resources from CORE, plus

    • Branding For Brilliant Humans Workshop + Workbook

    • The Visibility Field Guide, a document that lays out your message, your values, what you sell, what you want to be known for, your visibility guardrails and rescue remedies, and details on your visual and brand identity. Your entire business, articulated briefly and clearly in 10 pages or less.


or 6 payments of $800

Ready to expand?

Schedule and Program Information

First day of the program: June 11th, 2024

Time commitment: 2 to 3 hours per week is recommended.


June 11th 1-2:30 PM EST

June 21st 12:30-2 PM EST

June 25th 1-2:30 PM EST

July 2nd 1-2:30 PM EST

July 9th 1-2:30 PM EST

July 16th 1-2:30 PM EST

July 23rd 1-2:30 PM EST

July 30th 1-2:30 PM EST

August 6th 1-2:30 PM EST

August 13th 1-2:30 PM EST

August 22nd 12:30-2:00 PM EST

August 27th 1-2:30 PM EST


All the above CORE Sessions plus:

September 3rd 1-2:30 PM EST

September 10th 1-2:30 PM EST

September 17th 1-2:30 PM EST

September 24th 1-2:30 PM EST

what you can expect

Throughout both Visibility Medicine CORE and EXPAND, you will get:

  • Trainings and resources that explore and support your visibility understanding and expansion

  • Weekly deep-dive group coaching where you will have the opportunity to be mentored and supported by Danielle on whatever visibility issues and opportunities you are facing in real time.

  • Coach-in-pocket support

  • Feedback on your work and visibility approaches

  • Cohort support, connection, and inspiration

  • Access to coworking sessions

  • A dedicated online space to ask questions and get what you need in between live sessions

  • Danielle’s exquisite support throughout the journey where she will be bringing her unique coaching and visibility skills to work with you intentionally, track your progress, and put her eyes on your business

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kind words from past members

  • I've become more rooted in my own needs to bring my best work forward, and more courageously visible in ways that truly align with me and my introvert vibes.

    I've become more rooted in my own needs to bring my best work forward, and more courageously visible in ways that truly align with me and my introvert vibes.

    For me, one of the great blessings of Visibility Medicine and the way it's held is that it's deeply respectful of our individuality and not at all formulaic. Danielle really unlocked for me a deep coherence with myself, my work, and my releasing "shoulds" rooted in others' ways of doing visibility and business. I feel aligned, supported, empowered, and settled in myself inside of my understanding of visibility.

    - Erin Geesaman Rabke

  • After participating in Visibility Medicine I now have tools to take care of myself and a framework through which to understand my visibility challenges. I have a community to work through them with and ways to show up and be present.

    For my body and my business. Since our transformative work together, I have been able to set up a home care routine and a personal hygiene routine which is even extending to exploring adornment in my routine - earrings, a denim jacket from eBay, exploring what visible means beyond just trying to keep safe. It is life changing. My inner world is peopled with wise protectors, my Values are around the table when I create and show up. I have frameworks and much more self compassion. Danielle’s work is life-changing!

    - Grace Quantock

  • Since participating in Visibility Medicine I am more courageous about playing around with different ways of doing things while remembering that I get to cultivate safety while I'm doing it instead of throwing safety out of the window to take a leap of faith.

    Working with Danielle gave me access to more of me. Without apology. Danielle's compassionate holding while calling me and others into more of ourselves was absolutely life changing.

    I feel like Danielle is a cheerleader that is like "I see you. I see your challenges. AND you can do it." There's no doubt or equivocating. And that makes me hold my shoulders back and my chin up a little higher. I felt more seen than I have in these other spaces and I'm beyond grateful for that.

    - Jessica Dickson

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Early Bird Bonuses


First 5 to register receive

4-Card Visibility Reading

I’ve been reading cards in one way or another for multiple decades and for clients, I’ve been doing it for as long as my business has been around (12ish years). In this reading, I'll use a mix of oracle and tarot cards. I will ask 3 questions (what does visibility want you to know? What does visibility want you to do? What does coherent visibility look like for you?) and you will get the chance to ask a fourth question.


Register by 5/23 and receive

Budgeting for Blowback

When you share your thoughts, ideas, and work in the world it's normal to feel a fear of blowback, critique, or call-out at some point. Having a plan for how you can handle a moment like that is wise and settling. In this workshop, I'll share a process for just that. 

This bonus includes a video, emailed to you on Friday 5/24, and a live Q&A session, which will be held via Zoom on Tuesday 6/4. 


Register by 5/23 and receive

Visibility Card Spreads

This tiny book of spreads can be used to inspire, guide, encourage, and remind you of your own medicine and magic. And of course using tarot cards, oracle cards, or this guide is 100% optional.

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what not to expect

Look, I love a good how-to. 

If you’ve worked with me, it’s likely that we’ve created a spreadsheet and system for you at one time or another.  Systems, structures, strategies… YUM (for real).  But if you find that no matter how smart a system you learn, or course you take is, you just don’t fully implement it or can’t stick with it…

It’s not because you’re a problem. 

Learning more tools & tricks cannot help you solve the damaging, widespread socio-cultural narratives or norms you’re navigating (whether you’re aware of them or not)  and they won’t heal your personal injuries either.


  • A clever posting strategy won’t address the signals of threat your body is picking up.

  • Hashtag research can’t provide you with the ability to care for your nervous system.

  • A model for generating powerful, potent copy doesn’t create the inner infrastructure you need to take calculated risks and source steadiness for yourself.

  • Even gorgeous branding and new images won’t get you what you want if you don’t have the capacity to tolerate being seen and known. 

Important facts

Our younger selves are with us every step of the way. When we handle our personal visibility stuff, when we clear our blocks, we change the landscape. We are so powerful together. 

Starting at the age of 5, girls stop believing they can be president or even CEOs.
[The Dream Gap Project]

Elementary school girls are more likely to draw male political figures, even when asked to imagine a leader in general.
[Think, KERA]

Nearly 50% of girls think speaking their mind will make them unlikable.
[Lean In]

Around puberty (ages 8-14), girls' confidence can dip by as much as 30%
[A Mighty Girl].

Only 11% of girls globally feel comfortable using the word "beautiful" to describe themselves.

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How do I know this is for me?

  • You’re in a season of life or business that is calling you forward into something new.
    A new offer, a new chapter, a new business structure, a new way of being or showing up, and you struggle with fear, immobilization/freeze/shutdown, stuckness, or looping.

  • You are hopeful, ambitious, and feel a call that you are devoted to answering,
    but you may be tired, overwhelmed, and deeply rattled by the state of the world (or your world). 

  • You have a business of some sort already.
    Whether you’re completely booked up, have been at it for many years, or just beginning, visibility is a cyclical journey that we revisit again and again throughout the lifespan of our business. Visibility Medicine is an intentionally “multi-generational” business space because we learn, grow, and are fortified by witnessing and participating in a community that is diverse in its experiences and perspectives, and skillfully held. 

  • You know that support, connection, and surrounding yourself with other thoughtful, intentional, visionary creative entrepreneurs is essential to your success.

  • You’re a seeker, a learner, and you’re ready to integrate what you know
    so that you can not just be a collector of learnings and certificates but a practitioner and craftsperson that spills out beauty, creativity, and power into the world—and receives the financial, social, and soulful benefits of doing so. 

  • You’re ready to allow yourself to be vulnerable, real, uncertain, and very human as well as powerful, expert, determined, and optimistic/hopeful. 

this is for you because

You are an edge walker, a bridge maker, a culture shaper. You are a force for good—your work is about making your life AND the lives of others better. 

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  • You need absolute certainty before you take action.

  • You’re looking for a template for how to do visibility.

  • You think I have your answers, rather than seeing me as a partner on the path that can hold up the mirror, offer reflection, important questions, wisdom and knowledge share, and even be in it with you—while YOU take action—solve, create, and breathe life into your dreams.

  • You don’t want to have a good time, even if it gets challenging. (Play and pleasure are core values around here).

  • You’re not willing (or able) to put yourself out there in some way that is significant AND aligned with your style, strengths, and ambitions.

Come experience the program that participants call “inspiring,” a “goldmine,” “grounding,” “supportive,” and an experience that “exceeded expectations”.


12-week, live foundational coaching

Get grounded and amplify your visibility over 12 weeks.


16-week, live coaching session

Everything in core plus 4 additional sessions and additional resources.

I want you to build power through your visibility practice. 

I want you to take up your rightful space in the world. 

I want you to be able to deliver your medicine to the people who need it most.

I want you to be fully resourced and set up for sustainable success

I want you to be visible on your terms.

We all have sacred, meaningful, and important work to do.

And we can’t get that work into the world without being visible.  Visibility is how we bring forth the vocational calling of our souls.  You being more visible helps you build power and influence to create real change and we need that medicine from you, now more than ever. You being visible also creates more space for other forces of good to be visible. We see you doing it, and it gives us permission, too. Our visibility can embolden and heal each other.

This is our work together. This is Visibility Medicine.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes. Here is the schedule for the 2024 program.

    Last day to enroll:

    First day of the program:

    Final day of the program:

    Please take a look at this detailed program schedule which includes a list of meeting dates and times, and the curriculum for each month.

  • Visibility Medicine is made up of 3 parts – Groundwork, Build + The Deepening. The investment varies depending on which parts you are signing up for. There are two payment options: full payment or installment plan.

    Full Payment

    Essentials Only – $2000

    Essentials + Build - $4000

    Essentials, Build + The Deepening - $7000

    One payment then you’re all set.

    [Enroll: Full Pay]

    Installment Plan

    Essentials Only - 3 payments of $666

    Essentials + Build - 5 payments of $800

    Essentials, Build + The Deepening - 9 payments of $777

    If you need an extended payment plan, please email to discuss your situation.

  • Giving a TEDx Talk. Getting a book deal. Finally raising your prices. And feeling grounded while doing it.

    Getting booked for a podcast interview, or TV appearance, and striding into the interview with confidence and poise.

    Feeling natural and relaxed during a photo or video shoot, instead of cringing because you struggle with internalized and impossible beauty standards.

    Getting crystal-clear on your message, what you want to be known for, what you sell, and how to articulate it briefly and simply.

    Finding the courage to speak up and take a stand on issues that matters to you.

    Feeling clear about where, when, and how you want to show up.

    Having supportive systems and structures for your personal visibility journey.

    These are the kinds of results you can expect from Visibility Medicine.

    Even just one of those results might be worth $50,000 to you, in terms of additional revenue for your business, as well as “emotional revenue” too. Feeling proud of yourself. Feeling confident and unstoppable – even while holding staying awake to the strife and struggles of our world. These are the kinds of emotions that lead to more meaning and more money.

    Nearly all Visibility Medicine graduates find that they’re earning more money after the program, compared to when it began.

    More money is a natural side-effect of healing visibility wounds.

  • Yes.

    Included in each of the three parts of VM is a private coaching session with Danielle. If you’re interested in more private sessions, email us and we’ll let you know when space comes available.

  • Visibility Medicine was created by Danielle Cohen.

  • Yes. Clients from all over the world, all countries, all time zones: welcome.

  • If something difficult is happening in your life, and you’re struggling to keep up with the program, we will work with you privately and give you extra support (encouraging emails, extra time to work on assignments, compassion, gentleness, kindness) to help you feel successful. We’ll go above-and-beyond to take care of you.

    However, we don’t offer refunds for Visibility Medicine, for any reason.

    Once you enroll, you commit to completing the program and making all payments as scheduled--even if you enrolled early and the program hasn’t begun yet. Your commitment and ours begins on the day you enroll.

    As a small company, we need our clients to make payments on schedule in order to pay our team members, who all have households and families of their own. We appreciate your integrity and understanding.

    With this in mind, please enroll intentionally and mindfully.

    Please check in with your gut, your heart, your schedule, and your bank account before enrolling to make sure this is a “definite yes” for you. Thank you.

  • There are no refunds for Visibility Medicine, for any reason.

    Once you enroll, you commit to completing the program and making all payments.

    Once you enroll, you commit to completing the program and making all payments as scheduled--even if you enrolled early and the program hasn’t begun yet. Your commitment and ours begins on the day you enroll.

    As a small company, we need our clients to make payments on schedule in order to pay our team members, who all have households and families of their own. We appreciate your integrity and understanding.

    With this in mind, please enroll mindfully. 

    Please check in with your gut, your heart, your schedule, and your bank account before enrolling to make sure this is a “definite yes” for you. 

    If you are not sure that this program is right for you, you can:

    - Email us to discuss your situation, ask questions, or schedule a conversation. 

  • If you are not sure that this program is right for you, you can:

    - Email us to discuss your situation and ask questions, we can also schedule a call.

    We encourage you to review this webpage closely, read all the program details, read client testimonials, take your time, and make a thoughtful decision about whether to enroll.

  • Recommended: 2 hours per week, most weeks for the duration of the program.

    However, having a successful experience in the program is not necessarily connected to parking yourself at a desk for 2 hours per week.

    For instance, you might attend a meeting, share a lifelong fear of yours, and have a profound realization or breakthrough in just 10 minutes.

    Big things can happen in not too much time, especially when you’re being open, curious, and brave.

  • Immediately after enrolling in the program, check your inbox.

    You’ll see a “welcome note” with a few suggestions on what to do before the course begins.

    Nothing too big. Just a few things to read, watch, and listen to.

  • Yes.


    - Create a calm, uncluttered workspace that can be your “sacred space” during the program. This could be a nook in your living room, an office, an art studio, anywhere you feel undistracted and safe.

    - Take full advantage of the meetings with your lead teacher, assistant teacher, and guests. Come listen. Jot down realizations. Ask questions. Your participation will make all the difference.

    - Come to the co-working sessions! Many clients find these to be wonderfully helpful. A nice chunk of time, every month, to think, write, work on your business, and get things done—alongside other people.

  • This program is for women who want greater visibility in the world.

    You might want more visibility for your company, your products/services, your artwork, your writing, your message, or cause.

    If you identify as an entrepreneur, founder, CEO, business owner, inventor, author, speaker, consultant, coach, artist, fundraiser, or activist, this program is for you.

  • In this program, you’ll meet entrepreneurs at different stages of the journey--seasoned entrepreneurs who’ve been building companies for a decade or more, folks who are just getting started, and people in between.

    Each person has something valuable to offer the group. Seasoned folks offer hard-won expertise . New folks have fresh ideas, optimism, and the exciting, contagious energy that comes with launching a new endeavor into the world.

    If you have a new business (less than two years), and you are fully resourced and have the time, energy, and financial ability to invest in this program, then you’re more than welcome to join. We’d love to have you.

    If you have a new business but feel like this program would be an irresponsible or stressful investment for you at this time, we encourage you to wait and consider the program in a year or two.

    If you want to discuss your specific situation a bit further, please email Thank you.

  • Tech requirements for this program:

    - You have Internet access.

    - You have a desktop computer, laptop, or tablet.

    - You have an email account.

    - You are comfortable clicking a link to attend a Zoom meeting.

    - You can open a PDF (like an eBook or digital worksheet).

    - If you are familiar with Mighty Networks, that’s a plus, but not required. Mighty Networks is what we use for our online classroom and discussion area. We’ll give you an orientation tour of Mighty Networks at the beginning of the program to get you up to speed.

    If that all sounds doable for you, then, you’re all set.

  • This program looks at predatory systems, personal injuries, and social injuries that have (mostly) happened to women and other marginalized identities throughout history. For this reason, you’ll (mostly) find women in this program.

    However, all genders and identities are welcome to enroll. This program is intended for the betterment of all of society, and all human beings, regardless of gender.

    If you’re a white cisgender man and want to complete this program, please join us. You might enroll because you want to heal your own visibility wounds (men struggle with visibility, too) and/or because you want to learn more about the challenges women face when it comes to visibility so you can empathize with your female clients/customers in a deeper way and serve them better. During the program, as a male participant, we invite you to practice listening first, speaking second.

have another question that isn’t answered herE?

Feel free to reach out:

Last day to enroll in Visibility Medicine is June 7th 2024, so please send your questions before then - thank you!

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