Danielle Cohen | Visibility Coaching | Brand Photography | Strategy | International

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CREATIVE FIRE. A before and after photo session with Ana Ottman.

When Ana first reached out about new photos for her website, she admitted she was less than totally comfortable in front of the camera and yet she had total faith in my work. I was hooked.

I don't think many of us are comfortable in front of the camera and yet if you're already willing to trust me in spite or your camera concerns… We're golden!

I asked her how she most wanted to be seen in her images. What do her clients need to know about her?

Her answer?

“I want to look Powerful. Capable. Creative. Mysterious. And, in some contradiction to the previous four: Intimate. Trusting. Can you help?”

I was up for the challenge.

We met at Ana's beautiful home for the photo shoot. She was slightly nervous and definitely excited. We talked, connected and started taking some warm-up shots. Very quickly she found the gaze and emotional groove that we were calling in.

She is stunningly gorgeous, no?

I love how these photos turned out — and Ana does too!

After seeing her photos, she wrote to tell me that she is feeling so thrilled and is rippling with new writing ideas. “I’m creatively on fire!” she told me "after our session I had such a burst of creative energy that I outlined a brand-new offering for my business within 24 hours!"

This is my kind of before and after story.

To me, this is the power of professional photography.

On a surface level, you get beautiful new images for your website or family albums.And on a spiritual level, you to see yourself captured in a moment of pure strength, intentionality, and beauty. Once you have seen yourself like this, you can’t un-see it.

Now you know, for certain, forever, “That’s me right there. I really am that powerful.”

How do you want the world to perceive you? What do you want to be known for?

Set your intention and let it shine through your eyes, your words and your actions today. Let the world see who you are… and who you are becoming.

big love,


Want to book a photo session to celebrate a victory, mark the beginning of a new chapter, revitalize your website, or simply because… it’s art, it’s glorious, and it’s fun? I work with clients locally and all over the country and I’d be so honored to work with you. Write to me here.