Danielle Cohen | Visibility Coaching | Brand Photography | Strategy | International

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What are you ready to part with? {space is a beautiful thing}

It’s not something we totally planned or would have signed up for right now, but as it turns out, my family and I are preparing to move into a new home.

We’re a busy family of 7, we’ve got a pre-schooler, a middle schooler, a high schooler, a college student {who’s only home part time now}, a little dog named Elvis, my husband and myself.

Clearing the clutter is an ongoing part of my process and practice. I function and feel so so so much better when surrounded by loads of white space and a handful of “things” that truly bring me joy. That said, stuff accumulates SO fast in our world!

Which means: it’s time to deep clean, sort, sift, pack, and let a lot of belongings go.

As I move through the process of organizing and packing our belongings I vacillate between feeling heavy in my heart and exhilarated at the lightening of my load. I’ve moved a lot in my life, more upheaval wasn’t really what I was looking for right now.

But it’s happening.

I can either choose to be resistant and frustrated — or search for the beauty and possibility in the process. And the truth is, there’s plenty of goodness in this for me to tap into.

I choose beauty.

I choose to look at the process of de-cluttering through the lens of sacred ritual as opposed to another time consuming “to-do” item. This is how I strive to approach most of the things that could otherwise be seen as chores. I’ve never been great at routine… but ritual is a language I can speak, a way of being I can lean into.

As I clear the clutter I am very aware that while I’m clearing space in my outside world I am also clearing space in my inner world, too.

This is good medicine for me. This is self care. This is me knowing my worth and creating life my way, even {or maybe especially} inside of the unexpected.

It’s incredible how much “stuff” we, as human beings, tend to accumulate over time.

Even when we strive to keep your surroundings beautiful and spacious, those little bits and pieces can sneakily build up. On desks. Inside drawers. Stacks of paper. Magazines you’ve read. Treasures you loved once, but no longer necessarily want or need.

A friend recently told me about a de-cluttering philosophy and technique, written about in a book called The Life-Changing Magic Of Tidying Up. Inside the book, the author — Marie Kondo — encourages you to physically touch or hold every single item you own.

Every spoon. Every book. Every candle. Every chair. As you touch each item, ask yourself, “Does this bring me joy?” If the answer is “no” or “not anymore,” it’s time to let that item go. Period. {I find her voice totally delightful which is a bonus}.

She’s pretty radical in her process. Simple and straight forward and definitely committed.

It’s a soulful approach to clearing space. I love it.

As I move through my home, making preparations for our upcoming move, I find myself asking questions like:

“Do I truly love this?”

“What makes me uncomfortable about letting it go?”

and “Am I willing to do it anyway? To choose my desire over my comfort?”

How about you?

Where could you create more space in your bedroom, your home, your schedule or your life?

What are you ready to part with?

What are you holding on to that maybe draining your energy? Are you willing to let go? There is always more room… to create more room.

When I create space in my life I tend to have surges of creative energy. It’s like the ideas have room to show up. And that’s a beautiful thing.

xo,~ Danielle

PS. One of the newer things I’ve created is a course that’s been brewing in my heart for over a year now… Deliciously Embodied. It’s a journey through your body with self-love as the vehicle. Whether you want to work through your resistance to being in front of the camera or increase your body awareness and appreciation I think you’ll really love this course. Find out more about it here.

PPS. Two other books I’m reading that are fueling my passion for a clutter free life are Why Cleaning Has Meaning and Essentialism: the Disciplined Pursuit of Less.