2014 List of Favorites So Far...


I wanted to share a quickie list of beloved tools, people and courses that I love for this time of year. With so much to celebrate, so much to release, so much to look forward to it's lovely to have anchors like these to join us on our journey.

Hope you enjoy them as much as I do!


The Power of Vulnerability. If you work with shame, vulnerability, perfectionism or being human. Her work is priceless.“Owning our story can be hard but not nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it. Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy—the experiences that make us the most vulnerable. Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light.” Brené Brown

Unraveling the Year Ahead, Susannah Conway. A beautifully designed free workbook that helps you take inventory on 2014 and dream into reality your 2015 vision. This year she's also gifting a "Find Your Word" course. Good stuff, grab your tea and settle in.

Theresa Reed. If you're struggling with making a decision or just really needing some insight on an issue, I cannot recommend Theresa enough. Her readings are crystal clear, uber useful and straight up accurate. {Even my IT maven husband goes to her for business advice}.

Isabel Abott. Besides being an incredible human, heart reaching writer, loving mama, and true sister friend, Isabel's talent for hand mapping is off the hook. If you're wanting to dive deeply into the topography of your personal path {both what you came in with and the what you're creating} these readings are for you. Isabel's intelligence, compassion and no bullshit translation of things is truly a gift.

Alexandra Franzen. Alex is pure gold. She exudes generosity in the most luscious of ways. If you have a chance to take one of her classes, attend her events or read one of her books DO IT. Her site is packed {in a very uncluttered and organized way} with useful tools that help us communicate in a way that's clear, concise and compassionate {both in business and in our personal lives}.

She and I share a deep love affair with devotion and she created this fantastic worksheet to help us all articulate what it is we're devoted to creating. {If you're joining me for Sacred Time, you'll definitely want to look at this one}.

Kim Klassen. I love challenging and expanding my creativity and still life does that for sure! Kim's work is truly meditation in action. There's a consistent, reliable and alive beauty to her work and her teaching style. I absolutely adore her as a person and "get" her as a teacher. One of the great things about how she teaches online is that it's exactly how shows up in person... You get the real deal. And as a bonus she graciously gifts her gorgeous textures and presets throughout her classes.

Xanthe Berkley. Xanthe is a total inspiration for me. She reminds me of a belief I hold but don't always live up to... Photos need to be printed! We want to hold them, revisit them, see them gloriously hanging on our walls. She also has a delightful class called "Creating Time Capsules" where we take our images and video clips and make them into meaningful memory pieces to share again and again. She's sweet, smart and super talented. I can't wait to start creating my families visual Time Capsules.

Pixie Lighthorse. If you're needing, seeking and craving spiritual community, growth and practice that's at once extremely practical and still richly earth based, Pixie is your source. Her SouLodge spaces and courses are healing and life changing. Pixie's personal devotion to her path is so solid and authentic. This comes through with great potency in her writing, her speaking, her teaching and her space holding. Her work is Church in the best of ways.

Danielle LaPorte. If you haven't read Danielle LaPorte’s writing, you're definitely missing out. She's put out so much good stuff, you really can't go wrong. Her latest work the Desire Map helps you get clear about your core desired feelings so that you can goal set, manifest and create from a place of knowing not just what you want to call in but how you want to feel inside your skin and life.

If you've been wanting to facilitate group gatherings she's also put together a Desire Map facilitator program that licenses you to teach the Desire Map as a workshop. It's an all included package that gives you the tools to run your own business teaching these beloved practices. So essentially you'd be getting paid to gather with like minded humans teaching stuff you're personally practicing and learning. Pretty cool!

Tami Kent. If there's one person I've experienced this year that made me feel like I had hit the human jackpot, it's Tami. I have a long personal and professional history with healers and healing work and Tami absolutely blew me away with her healing abilities. If you own a female body I highly, highly, highly recommend that you explore her work. Her books are fantastic and if you can get in for a session, it will likely be the best thing you've ever done for your body. {Not joking}. And to all of my healer friends... I'll be chatting with you directly to be sure you've looked at taking her training. We need this work in the world.

Amulet Magazine ~ Created by me and 2 crazy talented sister friends, Amulet is truly it's namesake. A guidebook to savor and carry throughout the year. It's filled with stories, art, recipes {kitchen and apothecary} and seasonal wisdom. Amulet issues are timeless and lovely.

Since co founding Amulet, Maya has gone on to co-create Calibration Institute and Waldorfish both incredible resources for whole living. MaryBeth has taught multiple courses this year taking her students deep into the art and practice of Tarot in Arcanum as well as journeying along side them as writers in her Collective Guide to Intuitive Writing "Our Word", she also offers insightful and ritual deep readings here and occasionally at live events.



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