Danielle Cohen | Visibility Coaching | Brand Photography | Strategy | International

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community campout - big sur 2014

Each year we join a few other beloved families {there's about 35 of us when we all get together} and spend a weekend camping in Big Sur. This year we'll be taking me and my broken fibula with us which may make our trip a little less adventurous but I'm sure just as sweet.

One of the things I've been doing with my unplanned "down time" is going through our family photos which has flooded me with so many happy feelings. It's also reminded me that some of the things I love most in a photo is how it transports me, reminds me, shows me things I may have missed even when I was in the moment and the way it tells me the story of how beautiful my life is.

And guess what, I get all this goodness even when the composition is imperfect, the lighting isn't ideal and the focus is soft.

When it comes to my family I often use my iPhone 5 because it's handy and it's quiet. Spending a little time with my personal photos has really inspired me to keep doing just that {it's also sparked a few personal project ideas that I'm so excited to get working on and share}.

However you're spending these summer days, I hope you're enjoying them fully and documenting them in the way that feels the most natural and good to you.

Much love,
