Danielle Cohen | Visibility Coaching | Brand Photography | Strategy | International

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Flora Bowley - Creative Revolution! (Portland in January part. 1)

My year started out with a very colllllld, wonderful and speedy trip to Portland. I had two very full days planned with and my fingers crossed that we might get a little break in the snow and rain so we could keep our plans for outside shooting!

I'm happy to say that the camera goddesses were shining down on us and I was gifted with two gloriously bright and shiny beautiful winter days.

Today I'm sharing a few images from my time with the one and only Flora Bowley - painter, guide and creative ally. Flora asked me to come and join her and her incredible tribe so that we could create images to use for her e-course *Creative Revolution*.

When Flora speaks about this course, her eye's light up, her voice perks up and I can just feel how passionate she is about it's message and content. *Creative Revolution* is seven weeks of accessible and meaningful - making, moving + magic.

You can find out more about it here... And if you decide to take it, let me know... I am and I'd love to hear about your experience!



PS.I'll be back in Portland on April 1st teaching a Photography for the Journey workshop at Flora's beautiful studio. You can find out more and register here.