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Alexandra Franzen Talks Self-Care, Music + Getting Naked. {interview + photo share}

This Spring I was blessed with the opportunity to participate in Alex's "Write Yourself in Motion" workshop. And it was gooooood.

The kind of good that leaves you feeling inspired and empowered to then do something with your inspiration.I kind of instantly fell in love with Alex... She's genuine, generous and talented ~ it's impossible not to really.

Oh, and she's in love... like, in. Love. With her life, her work, her man... It's all kinds of good.

At the end of the workshop when Alex and I decided a photo shoot this summer would just have to happen, I had that full body peaceful excitement that always let's me know I'm on path. If you haven't read one of Alex's books, taken her classes or gotten her newsletter... I highly recommend you check her out {you'll quickly be smitten too}.

Her site is overflowing with useful, tips, tools, wisdom and that love stuff I was talking about. Ok, on to the interview...{but first a wee peek into our photo session}

You're such a bright light, both in business and personal interactions. What's your magic for keep yourself able to give from such an overflowing cup?

That's a very kind thing to say. I am deeply inspired by David Wagner's "Daymaker" concept. It's the idea that the point of life is simply to uplift other people. To help. To serve. To make someone's day. I try to do that. I don't always succeed perfectly, of course, but it's a beautiful star to aim towards. I keep my cup full... by keeping my life lean. I try not to over-clutter my calendar... or my mind! I generally only schedule "one big thing" a day. I spend a lot of time recharging, alone. I try to make everything in my life as simple as possible. Nonstop flights. Automatic billing. Easy meals that require three ingredients: Bread. Cheese. Fruit. Simplicity is a major turn-on, for me. Also... I don't have children, and I don't plan to, so I'm aware that I have considerably fewer responsibilities than many people do!

What are 3{or 2 or 10} artists or songs we should be listening to?

I love music & I've always got something playing.I tend go through intense "phases" with music. Right now I'm deeply entrenched in a folk / country epoch. Currently loving::

Do you have a spiritual practice? What's it look like in the day to day living of life?

I think that striving to be a kinder, more generous person is a spiritual practice.That's probably mine.

What was the best thing about doing an intimate photo session?

EVERYTHING! The nervous excitement and anticipation leading up to it... the pampering, hair, makeup and girlish glee in the hours just before go-time... the photo shoot, itself... and of course, getting to see the photos!Seeing a nude photo of yourself is very different that looking at your naked body in the mirror. You're seeing yourself from a lover's perspective. Seeing the curves that they see, standing behind you. Seeing the way the light falls on you, from high above. It's a rare and magical experience. Unlike anything else.

Who's your dream client right now?

Right this moment, I am aching to write for Cosmopolitan magazine. (I just pitched them a few article concepts, a moment ago! Fingers crossed!) But I would happily settle for a ghostwriting gig, penning country superstar Blake Shelton's official autobiography. For more tips on how to feel brave, strong and sexy in front of the camera, check out Alex's post here. 

